Copy of Master-Slave S-R Latch (Pulse-Triggered Flip-Flop)

Copy of Master-Slave S-R Latch (Pulse-Triggered Flip-Flop)

Circuit Description

Graph image for Copy of Master-Slave S-R Latch (Pulse-Triggered Flip-Flop)

Circuit Graph

This circuit consists of two S-R latches in master-slave configuration. The interconnection results to a pulse-triggered flip-flop. The triggering pulse is applied to the S or R input (but not simultaneously) while C is high. At the start of simulation the output signals will be in undetermined state. This condition can be exited by setting C high (if it is initially low), S and R at opposing logic state (if S and R are both set to 1, the undetermined state will persist and this cannot be exited), then setting C back to low. Fewer initialization steps will be needed with C high, S and R at opposing states at the start of simulation. After initialization the latch/flip-flop will function as tabulated below: SET: S=1, R=0; S is pulsed high while enable (C) is active (1) RESET: S=0, R=1; R is pulsed high while enable (C) is active (1) NO CHANGE: S=0, R=0 If both S and R are set to 1 while C is active, Q and NOTQ are undefined. The pulse at S and R sets or resets the first latch, the output of this latch is transferred to the second latch when enable (C) is returned low.

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9 Circuits

Date Created

3 years, 4 months ago

Last Modified

3 years, 4 months ago


  • flip-flop
  • s-r latch
  • rs latch
  • latch
  • pulse-triggered flip-flop
  • master-slave s-r latch
  • master-slave rs latch
  • s-r flip-flop
  • rs flip-flop

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